11 Red Flags That The Buyer Is A Flake

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Flakes aren't welcome in any industry, but they're particularly problematic in real estate, where you don't get paid until close. In other words, instead of merely causing an annoyance and possibly wasting...
How Can I Assess A Home's Value?

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How do you know if a home’s price is competitive as either a buyer or a seller? The only way to know for sure is to talk to a professional — either an appraiser or a real estate agent — but if...
11 Ways To Maximize A Small Living Space

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Between micro-apartments, tiny homes, and even #vanlife, the real estate industry is taking the saying “less is more” to previously unknown levels. And while we can all get behind the idea of...
15 Things Home Inspectors Could Miss

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Even though home inspections cover just about everything in the home that could cause an issue, they can't look inside walls, under floors, or tear the house apart to find each and every potential issue. Here...