Trying to market and get a house under contract during the holidays is many seller’s ideas of a total nightmare, but at this time of year, something special really stands out. Here’s how to sell your house fast.




  1. Pricing, pricing, pricing
    Price your house perfectly in order to attract the broadest spectrum of qualified buyers.


  2. Maintain safety standards
    Walkways and driveways should be shoveled and snow-free whenever possible.


  3. Curb appeal is key
    Put some inviting touches outside your home to make it look cozy and bright.


  4. Do decorate …
    It might make your house look just a bit sad or even vacant if you leave it bare.


  5. … But don’t go too crazy
    Going overboard with holiday decorations will distract buyers from assessing the house itself.


  6. Make sure the furnace is in peak condition
    Before you list your home, make sure your heating system is where it needs to be — in other words, effectively and efficiently heating your home.


  7. Light it up
    Days are short and nights are long; do whatever you can to make the inside of your house brighter and warmer.


  8. Focus on “cozy”
    Light the fireplace, simmer cider on the stove, drape a fuzzy blanket on the couch, set up a tea nook in the corner. Invite buyers to settle in and stay.


  9. Don’t forget to clean!
    Set yourself up for success by stashing cleaning supplies near heavy-traffic areas to wipe up snow and mud.


  10. Keep presents out of closets
    Even though it’s the holiday season, buyers will still want to see what your house has to offer in terms of storage space.


  11. Take photos of the masterpiece
    When everything is all put together and the lights are on, your house looks like someone’s future dream home. How are you capturing that image?


  12. Free up your schedule
    Buyers have as many scheduling difficulties as you do this time of year; make it easy for them by being flexible if you can.


  13. Entice the most motivated buyers
    Talk to your agent about offering certain concessions or perks for motivated buyers.


  14. Offer a gift (like a warranty)
    Celebrate your home sale and entice buyers to give your house a look all in one fell swoop by providing them with something extra along with the home purchase.


  15. Find the right agent
    Ask your agent if they have holiday-specific marketing ideas, if they have had experience selling homes during the holidays before, and what they think would help your home stand out.